On the day of 19th June 2009, someone's from 18 turned 19?
Have a guess who's she? keke.
It's Kah Hwee~~ My BFF. =)
She's the one who left us so far away to Putra Height since after our SPM. Although she's studying ID at TOA now but we just seldom get to hang out together. Miss her alot lots.. All because of our time table lar, all are crashing with each and other one and not forgetting our damn coursework and assginments so on had just hook us up. Nonetheless, no matter how busy we are, we'll not forgetting your birthday darling ;) Happy Belated Birthday to you again.. Just after i read thru your blog can seems that you're really enjoyed your birthday huh ^.^ Glad and happy to heard that from you.. Poor lil girl on the next day after her birthday have to go for classes from noon till 7pm. Can you imagine on the lovely saturday, what a good weekend also have to go for classes seriously a poor thing, but hope that she feel that's the best week for her, 'cause was her birthday week, she might would feel exited for the whole long week i guess?.. ;) We went to steambot buffet @ Summer in Sunway for celebrating her birthday this year. Was my 1st time for having steambot at so high.. i mean so top floor. ^.^ Let's have a look at the pictures below and you'd know what happened.
ChunHoe Bi
Triple 'H'
OhEmmGee, Birthday Girl was blowing the candle. xD
Nice shot anyway. *wink*
The Boys

There were 7 of us on that day. *twink*
There's some candid shot between the 7 of us.
1st comes ONE

3rd comes THREE

4th comes FOUR

5th comes FIVE

6th comes SIX


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