Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Memories that i read thru my mind today.

Shirt which only Lili-ans owned. ^^
GentingHighland '07

SunwayPyramid '08

we were acting cool. keke.

Yuan Steambot '08



KimGary - Shuer's top1 favourite restaurant (;

Sushi King = Shuer's 2nd favourite restaurant.

Our HighSchool PromNight Outfits. x)

Last day of school. Bye, Taman Sea. Bye. :'(

Aunt Taryn aka Sa Yi's Wedding Dinner.

Friendship Forever.

I guess this was the first picture that 3 of us took together since form 3. LOL.

Travis. Haha.

Say "Cheeeeeeesse." Shogun '08


Shogun '08

Hey Bi, I was feeding you. Hehe.
Picture below, 4 out of 3 - had went to oversea.
Feel kinda miss them when lookin back to this picture.

LeO '08


Minnie & Me

NZX '09

Melanie - Shuer's college friend.
She's a nice girl. Guai lui than me u know. Keke.

Here comes Shuer and Huiyee (;
1st time hanging out with Shuer's college friends. And not forgetting MingChi, Enern and KahHwee whom from the same high school with me. They're such nice and humourous friends. Never regret to know them all. (;


Happy Belated to Jojo, Mei Yee & Joe Ee again.


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